Our extremely luminous and reliable machine lighting is designed for industrial use.
From our MB-R series for use in more simple industrial settings to the MB-NP series for very harsh environments. Highly efficient power LEDs and industrial potting encapsulation guarantee outstanding performance data in all series.
The MB-RGBWs combine the high-quality, white light of our machine lighting (with the best color reproduction) with a high-performance RGB signal light element to display...
36 mm installation space with true absolute multiturn detection.
<p>The surprise that the employees at the Trossingen site gave their boss Klaus Tessari at the beginning of April was a success. In part of the newly built but still empty production hall, the workforce greeted the owner with thunderous applause. Mr. Tessari was visibly moved by the enthusiastic reception.</p>
<p>In the short speech, Felix Lohrer (Marketing) emphasized how surprising the...